Wednesday, 18 December 2024

My Writing Year (2024)

This year I've written 7 poems (none of them very good), 4 stories (2 ok), and 15 Flashes (some of them ok. Maybe 2 good). I've radically revamped 4 old stories - by merging 2 of them I think I've produced 1 printable piece.

I've had a dozen or so acceptances, mostly of old (sometimes very old) stuff.

Because I was long-listed in their competition, I got a story in the Leicester Writes anthology. And Full House nominated a Flash of mine for Best MicroFiction 2025.

And that's about it. I sent 2 booklets off (one poetry, one prose) which got nowhere. This time last year I promised myself that I'd write some proper reviews. I haven't, though I've read (or listened to) about 200 books. The nearest I've got to writing reviews is writing in detail about some short story collections (my favourite type of book, I've realised). Long ago I wrote articles/craftnotes, sometimes many of them in a year. It's a while since I've done that. Maybe next year.

Currently I've 4 stories sent to competitions, 3 stories sent to magazines, 10 flashes with magazines and 10 poems with magazines.


  1. I've been married to Carrie for 27 years and this year I got an, "I wish I'd written that." I can die happy. To put that in perspective, when she finished reading 'The More Things Change' which I slogged on (on or at? over?) for twelve years, she said, "It's good."

  2. The praise I've been waiting decades for is from anthologisers. Whenever I read an anthology there's usually a piece whose inclusion is inexplicable. The Best British Short Story anthology is the one I'm most hopeful about. At least I'm getting into the right magazines sometimes.
