Friday 16 August 2024

My book and magazine collection

The messy bookcase downstairs mostly has kids' books and books in Italian. Roget's Thesaurus is there, and a few reference books.

My literary collection is upstairs, hidden away in a fitted wardrobe. I've just sorted it out - long overdue. I don't keep all the things I've ever read, though I try to keep an issue of each periodical, and I don't give away anything I'm in. The sections are

  • Annual story anthologies (35)
  • Story anthologies (25)
  • Poetry anthologies (25)
  • Flash monographs (15)
  • Story monographs (75)
  • Poetry monographs (160)
  • Novels (10)
  • Craft/theory books (20)
  • Short story periodicals (35)
  • Periodicals (70)
  • Things I'm in (225)

I don't keep novels. I sometimes re-read books. More often I use the books for reference. Now that I've put the books in order I'll be able to find what I'm looking for without being waylaid by discoveries.

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