Here's a compendium of articles I've written over the years, reprinted here for historical reasons, and as nostalgia
December 1997
I like the world of literary magazines. I submit and subscribe to many and have access to more at the University Library and local bookshops. In this piece I'd like to cover the progress of these magazines over the last decade, not in a comprehensive way but through my dealings with them, mostly in the form of rejection slips.
My first accepted story appeared during 1986 in Momentum, a small A5
magazine run by Wrexham Writers Workshop that lasted 11 issues or so.
Summit by Coventry Writers came and went at about the same time. Such
magazines (that begin small but aspire to greater things) no longer exist.
On a glossier scale but in the same era was Jennings. Whether they
accepted a piece or not the 3 editors cluttered an A4 page with entertaining
comments. It paid, as did Dream, an SF magazine that encouraged reader
participation. I treasure a readers' voting table from 1987 which puts a
story of mine 4th and one of Stephen Baxter (1996 Arthur C. Clarke prize
winner) 14th. They've all gone, along with newer publications like
Raconteur and the revived Words International, each of which
appeared in newsagents/bookshops and lasted about 2 years. Looking back
through early contents pages of these defunct prose magazines one sees
now familiar names like Sophie Hannah. It's hard to see where budding
prose writers can begin nowadays. Perhaps the genre magazines offer a
stepping stone. In its time as a quarterly the SF magazine Interzone
published Angela Carter as well as many newcomers. Now it's a monthly
also available at newsagents with over 110 issues to its credit. It's a
publication which has taken care to grow slowly while others have grown
too quickly and burst. They sometimes sent me 2 page rejections slips.
I started subscribing to Panurge with issue 2. The editors always
with a comments or two, even when the stories didn't deserve it. Comments
like "all the best and stick at it" helped. I finally got published there not
long before it folded in 1995. Jon Murray in the final issue wrote "for a 25
hour week rising to 50 hours near publication date, I pay myself a wage of
11 pounds a week." He was getting 4000 submissions a year in the end. Its
departure (and that of Metropolitan which ceased publication for
reasons in 1997 after 10 issues) leaves a gap in the market. Quartos
and Acclaim merged into The New Writer. Granta's
closed to newcomers for quite a while. From them I got my most irritating
rejection - "in its own right it is very good work, unfortunately it's not
right for Granta right now", supporting Jon Murray's view that Bill Buford
never accepted anything from the slush pile no matter how excellent his
colleagues thought it. Of course, since few prose contributors can appear
per issue, it's hard to hold on to subscribing writers. I think a prose
magazine needs at least a letters page so that more subscribers can see their
names in print. As well as satisfying readers' egos, magazines must satisfy
their tastes. Whereas a poetry magazine has a good chance of having
something for everyone, a magazine with half a dozen stories might satisfy
too few readers. This in part explains why genre magazines like Interzone
which cater for narrower audience have a better chance of survival than
general fiction publications. Editors of prose magazines have said that
distribution via highstreet outlets is difficult, which was why the later
issues of Panurge were disguised as books, a trend that other magazines
would do well to follow. In January 1998, World Wide Writers appeared,
looking much like Raconteur. Its awareness of the WWW might just aid its
My first poetry acceptance was in Folio International in the late 80's. It was one of several magazines whose demise closely followed my appearance in them. There's quite a rapid turn-around at the lower or more radical end. Even excluding these there are poetry magazines to suit all tastes - the market's glutted. In contrast with the US there are few UK University-based magazines - Cambridge is especially lacking. The austere but worthy Poetry Durham wound up 3 years ago. Oxford Poetry stopped last year, leaving Thumbscrew as Oxford's only poetry magazine. Verse is now US-based but under Robert Crawford was open to all. His "could you send us some more please" made up for many disappointments. Along with the Honest Ulsterman and Rialto it gave one the chance to rub shoulders with big names (I've been with Les Murray and R.S. Thomas). Other Poetry (revived after a few year's rest), Smiths Knoll and Seam are well edited by established poets, showing that new magazines can emerge. Orbis, Envoi (115+ issues), Poetry Nottingham (150+ issues) and Weyfarers (75+ issues) have been going for decades. Weyfarers rotates editorship. The others, for periods at least, have been decisively led. Iota, with nearly 40 issues under its belt, is small but action packed and keeps arriving on time. I suspect that many of its subscribers have appeared in it. This was the approach of Outposts before Roland John took it upmarket so that it looked like Agenda but it seems to have lost its grassroots support. Perhaps that's deserted to the emerging, populist Forward Press titles like Poetry Now and Rhyme Arrival, which are the largest circulation, non-funded poetry magazines in Great Britain. In quality Poetry Review and PN Review lead the field. Competition at this level is intense. Poetry Review get 30,000 poems a year of which they print 120. They seem to reply ever more quickly and decisively to my submissions.
A few poetry magazines (Smiths Knoll for instance) contain nothing but poetry. Others, especially the more frequent ones, have articles, reviews and encourage reader participation through letters. Acumen is like PN Review in this respect but more readable. Some magazines go further still, attempting to cover both poetry and prose. Stand and London Magazine keep going, maintaining high standards on very different budgets. The recently deceased Iron was lively and variagated. The North is too. Both have publishing arms. Staple is still going strong and is perhaps the most under-estimated of the magazines here. I'm surprised that they don't attract bigger names. It prints only poetry and stories. They pay, and they're now producing about a book a year. There are dangers that a magazine becomes too much of a publicity leaflet for the press. I think Staple's free of that but I was worried to read in Gortschacher's book (p. 644) that in a sample of PN Review's he'd read, 39% of the poets had been published by the related Carcanet press.
Editors tend to be mature males - people with time and money. Sometimes their pre-occupations show through in their choices (lots of parents dying, children leaving home, etc). Most of them are poets whose work appears in other magazines. From what I've seen, they are a sincere, committed and enormously dedicated bunch. With annual turnover of subscribers sometimes as high as 40%, the struggle for survival is endless. I feel more sympathetic towards them the more I hear how strange some writers are. One of their motivations is to have a piece accepted in yearly anthologies. Both the various Best Short Stories anthologies and the Forward Book of Poetry perform the role that the US equivalents do, though we have no equivalent of the Pushcart Prizes especially for small press publications. Editors are so often on a hiding to nothing. Misprints are one danger - few magazines send out proofs. One of my poems contained 3 misprints, including a missed "not" in the final statement. Some editors go to the trouble of commenting on rejected poems - a well meaning but dangerous practise since the volume of submissions (there's often well over 50 times more submissions than space) means that editors sometimes miss the obvious. A few editors ask for changes. One editor suggested the removal of 2 verses. I fought him down to one. The poem's better than it was originally.
December 1999
This week I received the latest issue of Staple magazine. Usually it prints poetry and stories, but this was a poetry-only issue, because the editors said that they had to save money and by producing such an issue they could publish as many writers as usual in fewer pages.
Some publishers have tried to encourage short stories. In the last few years, magazines like Panurge, Metropolitan, Word International and Raconteur have come - and gone.
December 2002
Thumbscrew's going, which is a shame. Some other magazines which looked to be folding (London Magazine, Stand) seem to be on the way to recovery. There's a trend amongst the smaller magazines (Other Poetry, Staple) to include more critical material. Envoi has recently invited poets to add a few pages of prose if they want. More magazines have magazine reviews (Poetry Nottingham International, etc). PQR (Poetry Quarterly Review) has comparative studies of magazines (M/F ratios, grant status, page allocation, etc). Magazines are looking smarter - covers are more likely to be glossy and illustrated (e.g Acumen, Iota). Also more magazines are setting up pamphlet publication on the side.
There have been some notable changes of editorship. Poetry Review's longstanding editor Peter Forbes has made way for David Herd and Robert Potts whose first 2 numbers have sought to bring the avant-garde into mainstream view. Poetry Review is by far the highest circulation poetry magazine, so this is a significant move. The smaller Staple, Iota and Orbis have been run for years without a change of editorship until recently. In the case of Iota the magazine has changed beyond recognition. Roy Blackman's death in November 2002 is bound to affect Smiths Knoll.
As a genre, Short Stories is sinking ever further from view. I think London Magazine, Stand, Ambit and Staple are the only magazines with circulations over 300 who accept non-genre unsolicited contributions from anyone - that's maybe 30 published stories a year. MsLexia, QWF and Writing Women accept stories only from females. World Wide Writers is a magazine that publishes competition entries. Interzone is a monthly short-story magazine available in newsagents, but it's Science Fiction only.
March 2007
3 factors are currently affecting UK magazines
- Postal charges - changes in 2006 have affected non-letter postage
- Funding Policy - uncertainty continues. In 2007, Arts Council England said that "We have been open with all our regularly funded organisations that it is going to be a difficult spending review and we could be looking at a very difficult settlement", particularly for specialist literary publications like The London Magazine, Acumen, Dreamcatcher, etc. The London Magazine gets more that the others, but it's only about 30k I think, so we're not talking big money.
- The WWW - competition continues. For speed and production values, paper can't compete with the WWW, and WWW magazines can include audio/video clips too. Most mags have web-pages now. A few (Iota, Magma, and most recently Acumen) are using the WWW as an interactive adjunct to the paper version. The poetry library now have some full-text back-issues of magazines.
There's no sign yet of a general decline except with short stories.
When a small-press magazine gets a new editor, the changes are so big that it's as if a new magazine has been launched. 3 stalwarts of the small-press world have recently been revamped
- Envoi - 50 years old. Poetry Now published by Cinnamon Press, it has a WWW page and allows email submissions
- Staple - c.20 years old. Poetry and Prose. A new ed has just taken over but hasn't yet produced an issue.
- Seam - not so old, but has a WWW page now, and has relocated to Cambridge.
Also more magazines (most recently Smiths Knoll) are setting up pamphlet publication on the side.
The Short Story (a campaign site for the genre) currently lists 67 magazines outlets but they include the "TLS", "Your Cat Magazine", "The War Cry", etc. The revived Salt magazine is taking prose though. Prospect accepts previously published authors only. I suggest you try US magazines.
December 2010
I tend to stick to the same stable of magazines, but I thought I'd take a look around this year. What's changed?
- I have access to the online magazines that the University subscribes to - the full text of hundreds of literary magazines (Poetry, PN Review, etc)
- My local Borders has closed. They stocked many US and UK literary magazines
- WWW magazines have improved in quality and status
- Some magazines have gone. Others (e.g. Iota) have changed beyond recognition.
- I read that book publishers care less about slush piles nowadays. I don't know whether this means that they take more notice of magazines. Even if they do, I suspect that only a few magazines matter. More likely they're influenced by networking (of which online discussion boards - some associated with magazines - play an increasingly significant role).
What affects my choice of subscriptions?
- Brand loyalty
- Chance - I've tried renewing subs to 2 magazine lately but something's got lost in the post, so I might not try again. And chance encounters affect choices - what tipped the balance towards The Dark Horse was Hannah Brooks-Motl's article in the Summer 2008 issue
- I try to support prose-only magazines - Riptide, short Fiction, etc.
- I get magazines that supply something I can't get elsewhere
- I get magazines if it improves my chances of getting acceptances
Beneath it all though lies a feeling that paper magazines are doomed. In the UK the main poetry publishers and major magazines seem less influential now (to me and my peers, I guess I mean). There's more small-press infiltration of prize-lists, and more pamphlets are being published. Perhaps the Web has helped smaller magazines more than large ones - the small mags benefit more from the networking and wider visibility that the web provides. Magazines that I've unjustly neglected in the past are Magma (whose contents I like), and Poetry London (whose poetry I'm rather less sure about). I haven't seen Tears in the Fence for years - it's changed a lot, and is a good read. And Brittle Star has done well lately. Importantly for me, these latter 2 magazines publish short fiction. At the other end of the spectrum there are 2 venerable magazines I've never been in - Poetry Review and PN Review. Though PN Review has a few interesting articles, I have trouble with most of the poetry and some of the chattier essays. I like its reputation more than its contents. But I'll keep posting to Poetry Review every two years or so.
I imagine many of these publications are under pressure. Now that US magazine are often easier to submit to than UK ones I wonder how many UK writers sent their work straight to the States. Besides, for fiction there are hardly any UK markets anyway, and Rialto tells people to expect to wait 6 months for a reply to a submission.
But all is not rosy for US magazines either. I'm told that Story and New American Review have gone, TriQuarterly has become WWW-only and Southern Review is shrinking.
As the water-hole dries up, strangers rub shoulders. On "Poetry Publishing" Amy De'ath suggests that both Carcanet and Salt cut through the mainstream/avant-garde divide, though Carcanet tends to print older, "established" avant-garders. On the more purely innovative side, Shearsman remains impressive and Barque keeps going. Magazines like Tears in the Fence are less mainstream than I'm used to, but not beyond my range. I need new challenges
In consequence of all this I think I'm going to adjust my magazine subscriptions a little, now that I can't buy off the shelf. I'll also send stories to the US rather than the UK, and take WWW magazines more seriously. But I still have trouble evaluating WWW magazines. I'm sending Flash pieces off, but I don't produce many so I don't want to waste them. I know of a few established outlets - Smokelong, etc - but keep finding other possibilities. Even London Magazine's starting to print them. Time to take a few chances I suppose.
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