Flash outlets

The magazines below welcome Flash. Magazines have a more tolerant attitude nowadays, so even if a magazine doesn't explicitly welcome Flash, submission might be worthwhile even if it's a poetry magazine. A note like "$3/$20" in the table below means that there's a $3 charge for submitting, and a $20 reward for publication

MagazineWord limitGuidelinesNotes (I've been in yellow-celled outlet)
Blink Ink=50onlinethemed
50-word stories=50onlineWindows 1st-15th of each month
The Dribble Drabble Review=50, =100online
The Hoolet's Nook=50, =100, 300online
Paragraph Planet=75online
Microfiction Monday50-100online
Drabblecast=100, 500-4000onlineSF, Horror, Fantasy. Pays.
Micromance75-100, 500, 1200onlineRomance
Flash Phantoms100,1000onlineHorror
Citron review100,1000onlineFeb-Nov
A Story In 100 Words=100onlineA story each day
100 word story=100online$2/$0
Fiction 1-2-3123online
Metaworker 150onlineNOT Mar, Jun, Sep, Dec
AdHoc 150onlineWeekly prompts. Public voting
Hoot 150online$2/?? Jan, Feb, Jun, Jul, Oct, Nov
Micros50-200online$0/$0. Prefers multi-character pieces
Flash frontier250online4/year. Themed
Crow & Cross Keys250,1000onlinea speculative element
FlashFlood300onlineOpens near National Flash-Fiction Day
Briefly Zine300online
Little free lit mag350onlineJan, Apr, Jul, Oct
Centaur400online$0/$20. Hybrid
Gooseberry Pie400onlineSix sentences
Switch400onlineOne paragraph
Craft400, 1000onlinePays
Fractured Lit400,1000onlinePays $50/$75. Emotional resonance
fictive dream400,1000online
NUNUM500online$3/$20. Each text combined with graphics
Sonder500onlineThemed with windows. Un[book]published authors only
Right Hand Pointing500onlineWindows
Unbroken Journal500onlineProse poems
Whale Road Review500onlineWindows Jun 1-15, Dec 1-15
Free Flash Fiction500online
Toasted Cheese 500online
Black Nore Review 500onlineUK only
The Phare500online£3/0. Some issues themed
Identity Theory500onlineWindows
Vestal review500onlineNot Jun, Jul, Dec, Jan. Paper. $3/$75
New Flash Fiction500online$3.50 to submit. Windows
MacQ500,1000online$3,$0/$0. Short windows
Frazzled lit550onlineWindows
Journal of Compressed Creative Arts600onlinePays $50.Mar-Jun, Sep-Dec
Pine cone review600onlineHas window and sometimes themes
Suddenly and without warning600online
Brevity750onlineCreative non-fiction. Pays $45
Milk Candy review750onlinebeautifully weird, lyrical
Your impossible voice750onlinevoice-driven
Propelling Pencil750onlineWindows
Emerge750onlineWindows. $0/$15
Moonpark review750online
Ink, Sweat & Tears750online
Litro online800online$3
Atticus Review800online$3/$10
Pure Slush100-1000onlineThemed. Paper/e-book only
Flash Fiction Magazine300-1000onlinepublishes a story a day
Flash fiction online500-1000onlinePays $80. 1st-21st each month
Barren Magazine1000onlineabout the complexities of the human condition
The Hemlock1000online3 annual windows
-ette1000onlineSometimes themed. 4 2-week windows/year
Microlit almanac1000onlineMar and Sep windows
Chestnut review1000onlineCNF/fiction. $0/$120
Flash Frog 1000online$25
Epiphany 1000online$5/$25
Tiny Molecules 1000onlineessays and flash
Ghost Parachute 1000online
StepAway Magazine 1000onlineUrban theme
matchbook1000onlinePays $20
Everyday fiction1000onlinePays $3
FRiGG1000onlineSend at least 3
Moon city review1000online$3/$0
Lost Balloon1000onlineSubmit 1st week of Feb, Apr, Jun, Aug, Oct
Split lip1000onlinePays $75. Submission free in Jan, Mar, May, Aug, Sep and Nov
Wigleaf1000onlinefinal week of acad months
Smokelong quarterly1000online$0/$100
Brilliant Flash Fiction1000online$0/$20
The Wild Word1000onlineBerlin-based. Themed
Flash Boulevard1200onlineA group of pieces totalling 800-1200
Bright Flash literary review50-1500online
Willows Wept Review1500onlineseasonally themed writing
Fiction Southeast1500online$2 to submit

Updated February 2025

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