Flash outlets

The magazines below welcome Flash. Magazines have a more tolerant attitude nowadays, so even if a magazine doesn't explicitly welcome Flash, submission might be worthwhile even if it's a poetry magazine. A note like "$3/$20" in the table below means that there's a $3 charge for submitting, and a $20 reward for publication

MagazineWord limitGuidelinesNotes (I've been in yellow-celled outlet)
Blink Ink=50onlinethemed
50-word stories=50onlineWindows 1st-15th of each month
The Dribble Drabble Review=50, =100online
Paragraph Planet=75online
Microfiction Monday50-100online
Drabblecast=100, 500-4000onlineSF, Horror, Fantasy. Pays.
Micromance75-100, 500, 1200onlineRomance
Flash Phantoms100,1000onlineHorror
Citron review100,1000onlineFeb-Nov
A Story In 100 Words=100onlineA story each day
100 word story=100online$2/$0
Fiction 1-2-3123online
Metaworker 150onlineNOT Mar, Jun, Sep, Dec
AdHoc 150onlineWeekly prompts. Public voting
Hoot 150online$2/?? Jan, Feb, Jun, Jul, Oct, Nov
Micros50-200online$0/$0. Prefers multi-character pieces
Flash frontier250online4/year. Themed
Crow & Cross Keys250,1000onlinea speculative element
FlashFlood300onlineOpens near National Flash-Fiction Day
Briefly Zine300online
Little free lit mag350onlineJan, Apr, Jul, Oct
Centaur400online$0/$20. Hybrid
Gooseberry Pie400onlineSix sentences
Switch400onlineOne paragraph
Fractured Lit400/1000onlinePays $50/$75. Emotional resonance
NUNUM500online$3/$20. Each text combined with graphics
Sonder500onlineThemed with windows. Un[book]published authors only
Right Hand Pointing500onlineWindows
Unbroken Journal500onlineProse poems
Whale Road Review500onlineWindows Jun 1-15, Dec 1-15
Free Flash Fiction500online
Toasted Cheese 500online
Black Nore Review 500onlineUK only
The Phare500online£3/0. Some issues themed
Identity Theory500onlineWindows
Vestal review500onlineNot Jun, Jul, Dec, Jan. Paper. $3/$75
New Flash Fiction500online$3.50 to submit. Windows
MacQ500,1000online$3,$0/$0. Short windows
Frazzled lit550onlineWindows
Journal of Compressed Creative Arts600onlinePays $50.Mar-Jun, Sep-Dec
Pine cone review600onlineHas window and sometimes themes
Suddenly and without warning600online
Brevity750onlineCreative non-fiction. Pays $45
Milk Candy review750onlinebeautifully weird, lyrical
Your impossible voice750onlinevoice-driven
Propelling Pencil750onlineWindows
Emerge750onlineWindows. $0/$15
Moonpark review750online
Ink, Sweat & Tears750online
Litro online800online$3
Atticus Review800online$3/$10
Pure Slush100-1000onlineThemed. Paper/e-book only
Flash Fiction Magazine300-1000onlinepublishes a story a day
Flash fiction online500-1000onlinePays $80. 1st-21st each month
Barren Magazine1000onlineabout the complexities of the human condition
The Hemlock1000online3 annual windows
-ette1000onlineSometimes themed. 4 2-week windows/year
Microlit almanac1000onlineMar and Sep windows
Chestnut review1000onlineCNF/fiction. $0/$120
Flash Frog 1000online$25
Epiphany 1000online$5/$25
Story Shack 1000online
Tiny Molecules 1000onlineessays and flash
Craft 1000online$100
Ghost Parachute 1000online
StepAway Magazine 1000onlineUrban theme
matchbook1000onlinePays $20
Everyday fiction1000onlinePays $3
Word Riot1000online"Edgy... experimental"
FRiGG1000onlineSend at least 3
Moon city review1000online$3/$0
Lost Balloon1000onlineSubmit 1st week of each month
Split lip1000onlinePays. Submission free in Jan, Mar, May, Aug, Sep and Nov
Wigleaf1000onlinefinal week of acad months
Smokelong quarterly1000online
Brilliant Flash Fiction1000online
The Wild Word1000onlineBerlin-based. Themed
Sizzle1200online$3/$100. For readers aged 11 plus.
Flash Boulevard1200onlineA group of pieces totalling 800-1200
Bright Flash literary review1500online
Willows Wept Review1500onlineseasonally themed writing
Virtual Zine1500onlineMay - June
Fiction Southeast1500online$2 to submit
20x201500onlineLoosely themed. Rich graphics
Connotation pressanyonline
fictive dream500+online

Updated July 2024

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